Monday, May 23, 2011

Betty? Bob? Betty Bob!

Cousin Frank Ed's entry, Betty Bob, wins the alternatively-gendered cockatiel name game. Frank Ed and I would have been twins had we not been born

three months apart and to different mothers. Technically speaking, my Mom and Frank Ed's Mom were sisters-in-law, but blood could not have knitted together two women any more closely. Frank Ed and I had the two greatest Moms in the world and shared them amongst ourselves every chance we could get.

Betty Bob is a queer duck. S/he sits in a cage in the north-facing back room window, issuing staccato, monosyllabic squawks at what must be max volume for a bird that size. Attempting to squawk back does not help without a firm grasp on his/her lingo. More often than not, trying to communicate with Betty Bob pisses him/her off more than anything else.

The sum total of my knowledge of cockatiels equals bigger, louder, nastier than a parakeet. The folks at say the guys have greater vocals than the gals and tend to whistle a lot, which tends to make Betty Bob a Bob. On the other hand, same folk say females hiss and attempt to bite much more frequently and with determination to bring home meat. That says Betty decidedly is Betty!

1 comment:

  1. Plain and simple, the bird is mean and, regardless of what I was told, was NOT hand raised ... he is not a people person. That's OK. We get along by keeping our distance - except for the two or three times a day I try to get him to sit on my finger. We do chat back and forth while I sit at the computer, although I have no idea if the conversation is friendly. I may be just adding fuel to the fire
